Sunday, September 8, 2019

Week 2

Welcome to our class blog!

I'll be using this blog to post newsletter type updates, hopefully weekly, but at least bi-weekly. I will also upload spelling and math assignments each week on the sidebar to the right.

I've also set up a classroom Instagram account under the user name duboisclass. There you will find pictures of what we're up to each day. You can find the Instagram page here.

Now, some updates!

Students have been spending a lot of time learning the procedures of the classroom, playing games, getting to know each other better, and working as a team these first couple of weeks. We've also begun our core academic blocks.

Reader's Workshop
In Reader's Workshop, our class is trying to expand our sustained silent reading time each day to build up stamina. Helpful strategies include picking a Just Right Book, finding a comfortable reading spot, and limiting distractions. Tomorrow we shoot for 20 minutes!

Writer's Workshop
In Writer's Workshop, students made a Heart Map filled with the people, places, objects, hopes, and experiences they hold close to their heart. We've also begun making lists. Both the Heart Map and the lists will serve as true story ideas for our first writing unit.

Both grades begin with a multiplication unit in Math. 3rd graders have learned that equal group situations can be represented as repeated addition as well as multiplication, and are practicing making math pictures of equal group contexts. 4th grade students are learning about multiplicative comparison contexts. We can compare two things (4 feet and 12 feet) in an additive way, ("12 feet is 8 feet longer than 4 feet"), as well as in a multiplicative way ("12 feet is 3 times as long as 4 feet).

Students have begun working on their Hopes and Dreams for the year, reflecting on what went well and what was difficult last school year. They setting out one way they'd like to change, and also articulated worries about the upcoming year. These Hopes and Dreams will be on display in the classroom once finished, and will serve as a springboard for creating classroom rules at the end of the week.

Class Book
Please send in a few pictures of your child with loved ones, pets, at favorite places, etc. Once everyone has sent in pictures (hopefully later this week!) students will make their pictures into a collage page for our Class Book.

We've noticed a need for spoons and forks in the classroom at snack time. Most days our snack time is short, and sending students all the way to the cafeteria for silverware means not much time to eat. Rather than ask for plastic utensils, I wonder if any families have any odds and ends metal silverware at home you'd be willing to send in? We don't need them to match, and any little bit helps. Please email me before you send them in, as I don't want to collect more than a class set.

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